Ronnie Radke


Here’s another babe! Ronald Joseph Radke. He’s the reason why I started listening to punk music! Ronnie grew up in an impoverished family with his brother, and father. His mother left the family for unknown reasons, which caused resentment towards her by Ronnie. While in high school, Ronnie ran away and lived with his friend and mother to play shows in their band.

Ronnie’s brother, Anthony, had gotten into a motorcycle accident on August 10, 2013. Ronnie wrote a song for him after his death in January 2015, titled Brother. His brother was buried with all of his motorcycle gear. Ronn5c576600e751bc59e7fabbb67a77d890ie and Anthony were close, so, I could imagine the heartache of losing him. I’ve lost a lot of people who I was close to, and it sucks.

Ronnie also has a daughter who was born on June 11, 2013, named Willow. He wasn’t going to release pictures of her for her safety. He was also engaged the model, Crissy Henderson. They broke off their engagement shortly after Willow was born.

Ronnie has gotten into a lot of legal trouble in the past, and was in and out of jail on multiple occasions. He says that he’s not afraid of going back if necessary. I don’t think he would want to risk going to jail now that he has his daughter. I know I wouldn’t do anything to risk getting my son taken away from me. When you become a parent, that’s when you should learn to grow-up, but I suppose some people don’t know how to do that.

The best measure of success is how you deal with failure.

~Ronnie Radke

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